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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Kauai Photoblogging 4: Okolehau Trail

The Okolehau trail starts near the Hanalei bridge. It is two miles long and just about two miles up... or at least if feels that way. It is twice as strenuous as the Sleeping Giant trail featured in Kauai Photobloggin 2, Mountain to Ocean, but the payoff is twice as good. (Don't get me wrong when I say strenuous. Anybody in good shape can hike up this trail in a few hours.)

To see Kauai Photblogging 2 go here and scroll down until you hit the pictures. (The way picassa works each picture is its own post, so you have to do it this way.)
To see Kauai Photoblogging 1 go here and do the same.

Back to today's post. From the plateau at the end of the Okolehau trail hike you can see about 1/5th of the island. In front of you, if you face makai, or towards the ocean, is Hanalei Bay, maybe the prettiest place on Earth, and as you turn right the ocean stretches from there all the way to the airport at Lihue, where it is hidden behind the Haupu mountain range. As you continue to turn right you end up facing mauka, or towards the mountains, the center of the island, so that you are seeing Mount Waialeale, whose peak is the wettest spot on earth. The pictures aren't really put down in any order, and weren't taken that way.

I'm kind of cheating here, as I didn't do this hike this weekend. I'm still recovering from a nasty bug. Hope you enjoy!


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