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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Quick Hits

Israel continues to provide rope. Palestine continues to hang self. At some point Israel will stop supplying rope, and Palestine and the UN will claim Israel and the US are choking Palestine. Maybe Palestine will pull a n ew Jenin, that the MSM will again fall for?

Nobody is talking much about No Child Left Behind. No news is good news, as the MSM wants NCLB to be forgotten if it succeeds, or be the story of the year if it fails.

Iraq is out of the news. No news is good news, as the MSM wants Iraq to be forgotten if it succeeds, or be the story of the year if it fails.

If the Liberals lose it will be one man's fault: Captain's Quarters. Good news for Canada if it happens, better news for the U.S., as it will open up more of Canada's oil reserves.

There has been a spate of arrests, all over the West, of Islamist terrorists who were stopped before they were really able to begin. No news is good news, as the MSM wants The War on Terror to be forgotten if it succeeds, or be the story of the year if it fails. However, this is scary in that these arrests might be coming now because something big is in the works, and the cops are trying to "sweat" all Hajis in order to stop it. Yikes.

The Pope:
The Pope is Catholic, which pisses off a lot of liberals. Already many of them are saying "Well, at least he's old and will die soon. I hope it is soon!"

Ocean's Twelve:

UFC 52:
Awesome. Guillotines and Mata Leao submissions. ZHOO ZHITSU!!! ZHOO ZHITSU!!! (That's a Brazilian accented Jiu Jitsu! Jiu Jitsu!

The NFL Draft:
Doesn't matter. Raiders will win the Super Bowl regardless. Patriots will not make the playoffs. The "Tuck Dynasty" is over.


Smart and very puzzled by how stupid China is.

Smart and very puzzled by how stupid China is.

Smart and very puzzled by how stupid China is.



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