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Monday, February 20, 2006

NOT being Christian is a religion???!!!

Ann Althouse links to an interesting theory in this post.


An ant climbs a blade of grass, over and over, seemingly without purpose, seeking neither nourishment nor home. It persists in its futile climb, explains Daniel C. Dennett at the opening of his new book, "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon" (Viking), because its brain has been taken over by a parasite, a lancet fluke, which, over the course of evolution, has found this to be a particularly efficient way to get into the stomach of a grazing sheep or cow where it can flourish and reproduce. The ant is controlled by the worm, which, equally unconscious of purpose, maneuvers the ant into place.

Mr. Dennett, anticipating the outrage his comparison will make, suggests that this how religion works. People will sacrifice their interests, their health, their reason, their family, all in service to an idea "that has lodged in their brains." That idea, he argues, is like a virus or a worm, and it inspires bizarre forms of behavior in order to propagate itself. Islam, he points out, means "submission," and submission is what religious believers practice. In Mr. Dennett's view, they do so despite all evidence, and in thrall to biological and social forces they barely comprehend.

Here is my comment:

Harkonnendog said...

"An ant climbs a blade of grass, over and over, seemingly without purpose, seeking neither nourishment nor home.
Mr. Dennett, anticipating the outrage his comparison will make, suggests that this how religion works."

This is pretty typical of those who judge Christians by looking down their noses... I'd like to see some statistics showing Christians have fewer children, make less money, and generally less happy, less healthy, etc., than non-Christians, before I could take this theory seriously.

I know quite a few Christians who use the religion to help them improve their lives through connections, stress relief, the ability to keep thing in perspective, etc. etc.

If, as I suspect, Christians are generally happier and have MORE children, does that mean those who choose NOT to be Christians are like that ant? :)


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