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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Go to this link to learn about Jill Carrol being freed.

The Jawa report has go it all... click here.

Charles Johnson inspires my comment with his apt:

She says the terrorists treated her well.

Her interpreter, murdered during the kidnapping, was not available for comment.

I don't get why these reporters aren't on our side in this war. They certainly are not. When you have an evil side and a good side, or even an evil side and a neutral side, reporting both sides is in effect unfair. It favors evil.

Do they think being a reporter absolves them of moral responsiblity? By reporting both sides as if they are equally reasonable they are being useful idiots, propaganda outlets for an evil philosophy.

If this woman is in shock that's one thing, it may excuse her, temporarily. But it does not excuse these news outlets reporting her words without caveats like Charles Johnson's.


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