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Friday, March 17, 2006

Reproductive rights...

Okay, if you're REALLY bored at work here is a LONG debate about reproductive rights for men...
I get so bored at work that I actually HAVE the debates, which takes a lot longer than reading them. :) OHSU and I go at it. His opinion can be summed up as "If you have sex you must pay child support." I argue that if the woman gets pregnant through fraud it should be optional.
I think I won. He started getting squirmy squirmy towards the end, which I accepted as a functional surrender.

The debate happens on a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu forum, btw.


  • At 6:08 PM, Blogger FLC said…

    I argue that if the woman gets pregnant through fraud it should be optional.

    I whole heartedly agree...

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Harkonnendog said…

    great minds think alike ;)


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