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Thursday, April 21, 2005

France okays China invading Taiwan

Read abou it here.

An excerpt:

"The anti-secession law is completely compatible with the position of France," he said in a joint press conference with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao (photo).

France supports you starting a war against an old democracy. The French official further stated that he would like to sell French weapons to China.

He did not specifically say that these weapons would hopefully be used to kill Americans, who would almost certainly come to Taiwan's aid rather than see millions of free people become subjects of China's communist government.

Nor did he specifically say China should look to France for the big "Thumbs Up from the West!" wherever and whenever it wanted to invade free countries, (excluding France) so long as China would prop up France's failing economy.

Finally he did not specifically say "Kill all the Jews!" nor "Freedom is Slavery!" nor "Heil Hitler!"


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