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Friday, June 10, 2005

This Week's Gravitational Pull-up

PSoTD's Gravitational Pull Up for the week asks:

In your opinion, what segment of society or culture or the economy is in greatest need to be reached by political blogs at this time?
Good question... I don't know. I just don't know. I guess... if I could force a segment of society to read 10 blogs each day, I would choose 11th and 12th graders. I would just love for this demographic to be familiar and at ease with blogs.

Those who were moving on to college would have a massive and wonderful array of political blogs with which to combat the orthodoxy and dogma foisted upon them by indoctrinating professors.

Those who moving on to life would have a massive and wonderful array of political blogs with which to combat the orthodoxy and dogma foisted upon them by the MSM.


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