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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

If I was a woman I'd SO do this guy.

What a wonderful, sad, hilarious post of the day.

It is called "A 40-year old virgin reviews 40 year-old Virgin."

An excerpt:

When 40-Year Old Virgin becomes available on DVD, a copy of this poem is going into the case. Seeing this monument of poetic masturbation about my fear of even so much as asking a woman out anymore tucked into the movie case of 40-Year Old Virgin will amuse me to no end. (Well, that and the "wings shudder back to the Known of the glove" line, and, in fact, the whole "glove" motif, which is unintentionally, gut-splittingly funny, especially if one remembers the condom scene from the movie.)

What a night. What a strange, beautiful, hilarious night this has been.

So, here's the deal: The first nine bloggers to express an interest in the comments section (profanity and insults are certainly permitted) will receive, free and with a signed copy of "I Am A Big Fat Pussy," one Dungeons & Dragons or GURPS rulebook. Yes, I own such books. Nine of them, to be precise. By my count, that means I have negative-seven testicles. Thank goodness I never got into painting miniatures.

Isn't somebody going to help that poor man?


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